Obscure Chaos Zine originally started in the closing stages of June 2010 by bringing the idea of the old school way of Word of Mouth, by promoting and supporting bands in the all genres of Rock, Metal, Hardcore and Punk world wide. We began on Facebook building up a following while promoting and supporting bands. Underground printed fanzine's struggles because of the lack of support it receives. Now many printed fanzine's has been dropping the paper and focusing only on the internet to spread the masses faster. We are currently working on both.
Our force is currently composed of dedicated freelance journalists, musicians, rockers, metal heads, poets, promoters, graphic designers, DJ’s that simply contribute their work because we worship, promote and support all Rock, Metal, Hardcore and Punk music and it is our passion to share it all over the world.
Obscure Chaos Zine features interviews, album reviews, live pit reports, fanzine reviews, gear reviews, dark poets, artist and have other features as well. We fest on all the rapid growth and changes within the ROCK, METAL, PUNK and HARDCORE genres our conception feels fit as we embrace a much wider range of music within these styles.
We review demos, vinyls, albums, DVDs, interviews and news about newsworthy issues, primarily regarding new albums, upcoming tours, line-up changes or new projects and to help promote bands who spike the perfect balance of savageness, ambiance, creativity and musicianship to new levels. It doesn't matter how immense or diminutive you are . . . come and get exposure!
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