Name: Profession (Band, Promoter etc.) Residence: Photos by Natalia or people can call me Naty, Graphic Designer and model
Model name is NaTyMeTaL
Photos by:
First one with Mohawk taken by NatYaz Designs
Next 2 in latex lingerie taken by Fabricio Jimenez
Photo with horns taken by Indiana Abarca
Photo in a field with a hello kitty dress taken by Pablo Montiel
And last 2 photos with spiked latex bra taken by NatYaz Designs
How old were you when you got your first tattoo?
How many tattoos do you have?
Which tattoo is your first and which one was your latest?
my first was 2 angel wings on my back, my last one is my pomeranian doggie tattoo on my left arm
How long did it take you to build up your collection?
it have been a few years now, like 8 years and there are more to come
A lot of fans tattoo lyrics or favorite band logos, have you ever done that or plan on ever doing it?

How often have fans of yours shared there tattoo shrines of your band with you and how do you react?
I think not many yet but i always think is nice when people get music related tattoos
How often do you create your own design or have you ever gave a tattoo artist free range?
All of my tattoos have been drawn by the artists, i only give them ideas or references of what i want!
Do you have a piece or a few pieces that have the most meaning to you? Why that specific piece(s) is your favorite?
I think my pomeranian tattoo, i love my dogs a lot, i always say that dogs are better than humans!
Which one of your tattoos was the most painful and where is it?
I think the one on my right leg
Which one of your tattoos took the longest to complete?
the one on my leg

Do you have a spot on your body that you would never tattoo?
mmm elbows and knees lol
Did you pay for all the work you've had done? What was the most expensive tattoo you've paid for?
yes i have paid it, only my first tattoo my dad paid it!
Which tattoo style do you like best?
Which artist(s) did your tattoos?
Ivan Vindas, Marco Buti, Dario Hereñu and Billie Vegas
Which tattoo artist do you admire?
Timmy B, Kelly Dotty, Billie Vegas, Paul Acker, Roman Abrego, Jon Mesa
Which tattoo artist would you like to get ink by that you've never went to before?
Timmy B and Paul Acker
Do you have a specific shop or artist that you frequent?
Right now in my country only with Dario Hereñu
Some tattoo artists are booked for months, what was the longest you had to wait for your appointment?
I have never waited for an appointment here!
How much of your collection was done in your hometown and who are some your favorite artists here?
7 of my tattoos were done in my country! And my favorites are Billie Vegas, Timmy B, Paul Acker
How many tattoos have you gotten out of your hometown or while on tour?
Do you regret getting any of your tattoos, now hate, want to replace, or have covered up, and why?
yes and i already got 2 covered up, i still need one to cover because it wasnt done good!
Have tattoos affected your life? If so, in what way?
Well not really!
Have you ever been discrimination in the workplace and outside the workplace because you have tattoos?
In my country they dont accept people with tattoos and piercings but now its getting more accepted!
What are your thoughts about tramp stamps that many females get and so do some dudes?
Well to each their own
Do you watch any of the TV shows about tattooing?
I used to watch NYC ink and Miami Ink because it was the only programs that were shown here so when i had nothing to do and those shows were on then i watched them lol
Have you been approached or featured by any tattoo magazines?
Not yet
What advice would you give to someone who was going to get their first tattoo?
To look for quality, dont look for prices, because cheap things are never good and u can regret it so think before getting a tattoo, look for several good artists, see their work and pick the best!
What do you look for when you enter a tattoo parlor? Have you ever walked out of one and for what reasons?
Mm not really, i only go to an specific shop to get tattooed or to visit friends
Do you have any new tattoos planned or underway?
Yes at the end of august i am getting 2 more i hope!
Do you have an activity that you would like to mention or plug?
Well only I have a trip to NYC this month so I will be getting new photoshoots so you can check my page anytime ;)
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