Interview with Nick Yngve of Mortuus Sum by Lady Kat Chaos, Colleen Maloney and Chris Meyer, February 10, 2014
Lady Kat Chaos: Hails Nick! Thanks for taken time for our live FB interview. You have a lot going on at the moment. How far a long are you with the writing and recording process of your forthcoming first full-length album, “Vargavinter"?
Nick Yngve: First of all, thank you for this interview! It's an honor for me to talk to my big sis!!!! Hehehe! The album is going pretty well. All the guitars and bass are done and all is left, are the physical drums (I have demos with drum machine first) and vocals to be recorded.
Colleen Maloney: Hey sunshine! Just dropping by to say Good Luck with your interview. What studio are you recording your new album?
Nick Yngve: Hi!!!! Nice to have you with us! All the guitars and bass are recorded in my home studio, the vocals in the singer's studio and the drums in another! We are all over the place for this one!
Lady Kat Chaos: Do you use Soundcloud or something similar to transfer each track to combine them together?
Nick Yngve: We use Dropbox and e-mails mostly.... It needs time though, but we get the job done.
Lady Kat Chaos: Why are you using a drum machine compared to using your full drum kit?
Nick Yngve: I use a drum machine for the pre-production, so I can record the guitars and the bass player can record the bass... After that, I go to a studio and record physical drums and last we record the vocals...
Lady Kat Chaos: How would you compare the sounds from a drum machine to a full kit? Have you ever ran into issues with not catching the same feel?
Nick Yngve: A drum machine is easy if you want to make drums with not many things playing. Just some simple rhythms to record on top the guitars and bass. Of course if you work on a track a lot of time, you can make a full album, but the sound will not be the same as physical... I use a Boss Dr-880 drum machine for the pre-production. The sound is NOT AT ALL the same. No way can it be compared to physical drums! I will not change that for the world!
Lady Kat Chaos: Indeed, they don't sound the same. What pro-tools are you using?
Nick Yngve: I am using Cubase 5 only and Amplitube for the guitars.
Lady Kat Chaos: Metaphorically, "Vargavinter" means "wolf winter" or "very cold winter" but it also reminds me of Thyrfing, track "Vargavinter", the Folk Country band Vargavinter from Sweden or tale of "Clan of Vargavinter". How did the name of your album come about and what is the meaning to you?
Nick Yngve: The meaning is indeed the "winter wolf". The song is about the wolf from the story of Leonidas of Sparta. When a Spartan is a boy, they leave him out in the cold and woods and he must kill to survive. Leonidas had to fight a wolf to survive. So the song is about this story. Also I like winter a lot... the feeling it has... everything... I thought it suited the album and music very nice!
Lady Kat Chaos: Some fear wolves, have you ever felt threatened by wolves?
Nick Yngve: Unfortunately, I have never seen a wolf.... When I do though, I think it will be PERFECT!!!!!! I totally respect those animals... for the society they have, the whole wolf pack, the respect to one another... Very beautiful beasts and so noble at the same time! I don't know if I will be afraid, but I surely want to see a wild wolf....
Lady Kat Chaos: Wolves are amazing. How many songs are your recording for your album and are you writing new songs or will you be adding the song off your promo demo or the songs you used on two splits?
Nick Yngve: The album will have 6 or 7 songs in it. I will contain the song "Mortuus Sum" from the promo re-recorded and the song "Vargavinter" from the latest split also re-recorded and 4 or 5 new songs. Until now there are 4 new, but in the end, I might add a 5th one!
Lady Kat Chaos: What changes will you be making to the song, "Mortuus Sum"?
Nick Yngve: The drums will be different, the singer will be different... The bass player was singing for the promo, but now the new singer will do the vocals. Also the sound will be much better!
Lady Kat Chaos: Many songs you have written deal with themes of Ancient Greek Heritage and Mythology, Ancient Cultures, Darkness, Death, and Religions. What themes will you be writing about for this album that you're willing to discuss?
Nick Yngve: The song "Mortuus Sum" is about Lilith. The song "Vargavinter" is about a wolf and Leonidas as I mentioned above and the other songs will be about various subjects, about religion mostly. The Ancient Greek heritage and mythology theme, will appear mostly in the second album... We have a lot of time until we get there though! I should tell you, that I have already 2 songs written for the 2nd album... It will totally different music wise. The band will take a turn into more Swedish black metal style than the Norse style of the first album.
Lady Kat Chaos: I know that you write most of the music and Banshee writes all the lyrics. Will your new vocalist be contributing to the lyrics as well?
Nick Yngve: I don't think so. Banshee is writing all the lyrics for Mortuus Sum. The singer is alright with that, so we are all ok! And yes, I write all the music. This doesn't mean though that the other members are not free to write as well. They are completely free to send me riffs or songs and if I see that they fit Mortuus Sum, these songs will be recorded.
Lady Kat Chaos: Does your lyricist get ideas from your ideas, thoughts and your own philosophies?
Nick Yngve: She is free to write about anything she wants, but we discuss it first anyway. We always talk about the vision I have about every song and she contributes with ideas and lyrics. Yes I have my own philosophy, but she is free on that.
Lady Kat Chaos: How long have you been working with her?
Nick Yngve: Banshee is with the band since 2012!
Chris Meyer (Aberration Nexus): Hey guys, sorry to butt in. Nick, I'm not really up on your history only recently discovering Mortuus Sum. Was this a solo project? If so, what prompted the shift to full band?
Nick Yngve: Hey Chris!!! Glad you joined! The band started as a solo project, because I was involved in another band (Acherontas) and I didn't have much time to focus on Mortuus Sum. After I left Acherontas, I decided to turn them into a full band. Chris if you like, you can check the band out at ... I will be more than happy to tell me your thoughts!
Lady Kat Chaos: In a brief history, Mortuus Sum was founded (2002) under a different name, Panzerfaust. Panzerfaust disbanded about a year later because of members leaving and moving. It was about five years later Mortuus Sum has arose. Although, throughout this time period more member changes....why don't you introduce your current line up and the crafts they master?
Nick Yngve: Yes of course! The lineup is: Astraeos – Vocals, Yngve - Guitars/Drums, Jim Havok – Bass, Banshee – Lyrics. The first lineup in 2002 was Auren on guitars, bass and vocals and me on guitars and drums. Auren left for Sweden and I joined the army, so we split up. 5 years later, I reformed the band as Mortuus Sum.
Lady Kat Chaos: At the time you created the name Mortuus Sum which is stem from Latin and translates to I Am Dead! Did you feel this way after you left the army and this was the mind state you were in during the birth of Mortuus Sum? How do you feel you have developed as an individual, as a drummer and guitarist over the years?
Nick Yngve: Yes totally!!!! I was really depressed with my life at that time and I was reading about Death themed subjects, so it fitted nice! The development was huge! As a musician I evolved through the years, by practicing and listening to new stuff. As a person, I read a lot, so I believe that I am progressing in a lot of ways.
Lady Kat Chaos: What do you like reading about the most and who are some of your favorite authors?
Nick Yngve: I read a lot about ancient cultures, so I cannot tell you any specific name. Most of the books I read are researches about Atlantis, ancient Egypt and ancient Hellas. Also I am a huge fan of paranormal themes!
Lady Kat Chaos: While reading different books do you compare the same facts that were written, that are completely different from each other and take your own notes? We are always questioning history within yourselves. What is something that you have read recently that has made you look deeper into it?
Nick Yngve: Yes I always compare books to each other. Nowadays, I am reading about the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. A very interesting book I must say. Thoth was an Atlantean priest who was said to have found Egypt. Thoth had many reincarnations, the last of them being as Hermes the Trismegistus. This book made me look deeper into the ancient Egyptian theme, concerning the occult side of it. The ancient Egypt theme made me write some songs more Eastern oriented, but maybe this will be another project of mine in the future... Who knows what Time will bring right?
Lady Kat Chaos: Are you reading the original or the translated one by Dr. Michael Doreal?
Nick Yngve: The translated one!
Lady Kat Chaos: How has Mortuus Sum changed for you as a creative outlet—does the material still have the same emotional pay-off for you as it did when you started listening to Black Metal?
Nick Yngve: Yes and I must admit that every-time I am writing a new song, I am as excited as I was at the beginning of the road! Black metal is my life and I will never stop listening to it or playing it.
Lady Kat Chaos: What are your thoughts about the Black Metal Scene today? How much do you pay attention to what other bands from the past and today are doing? What are you doing differently not to be compared to other bands who are your influences?
Nick Yngve: The black metal scene is huge! Especially here in Greece, we have so many great bands. Of course I will get in the process of naming, because I will surely leave someone out and I wouldn't like that. Unfortunately, nowadays it is very difficult to be original, but I don't care for me. I just write and play what feels right. Ok I will not copy something, but if my influences are obvious in a song, so be it. I am proud of what I have done and for what I am listening to. Keeping up with the new releases is a bit hard, but I think I manage after all!
Lady Kat Chaos: What are your views regarding various sub-genres originating out of Black Metal?
Nick Yngve: It's ok. It gives black metal a different approach in each band. I like it a lot, even though I am a more traditional guy involving the scene. I don't mind experimenting with music, as long as it stays black metal of course.
Lady Kat Chaos: Do you feel that black metal a fad for younger generations these days or one of the last true forms of artistic expression?
Nick Yngve: Black metal is a very difficult genre to begin with. Of course it should be passed to younger generations, but never forget to "teach" them about the Old ones too, without whom, we wouldn't listen to anything. Last forms? I don't think so. Maybe special form I could dare to say.
Lady Kat Chaos: Indeed, they need to learn the roots. How is Mortuus Sum a complete different entity compared to your projects Christfuck and Dizziness?
Nick Yngve: Mortuus Sum is pure black metal. Christfuck is a thrash/black metal band and Dizziness is not a project! Dizziness is not my band. It is a band that plays Hellenic black metal and I am very proud that I am a member of them up to now! You can check them out here: and
Lady Kat Chaos: Since I've known you for a few years now, how do you manage being a part of different bands and focusing on your own?
Nick Yngve: I have no idea! Hahahahaha! I just do. It's the power of will I suppose. I like playing music, so I always find time to do it!
Lady Kat Chaos: Has your schedule ever over-lapsed?
Nick Yngve: No. Up to now at least, everything is going smoothly and I hope it won't change!
Lady Kat Chaos: Mortuus Sum is a recording band, have you ever thought of performing for a big fest?
Nick Yngve: Mortuus Sum was and will be a studio band only. No gigs, no rehearsals ever! Maybe if something EXTREMELY good shows up, we may consider it, but the fact that we all live in different cities of Greece, makes it very hard to happen... So we stay a studio band and there's no problem about it.
Lady Kat Chaos: As an old schooler, as you know how I get into arguments with a few because I feel the underground should stay hidden as it was in the past. What are your thoughts about this because of the internet?
Nick Yngve: Of course I agree. Underground, should remain underground, otherwise it loses the meaning...
Lady Kat Chaos: As your band came out onto the internet how has it helped you and have you thought about removing your band page to go back to the roots of Black Metal and staying underground?
Nick Yngve: There are some bands that were underground and went to the "other" side (mainstream) and then all of the sudden they were sold out. Other bands, remained true to the underground but continued to gain ground. I respect all kinds of art, but I can't stand it. The truth is, that I thought about it a lot of times, but the thing is that internet is a huge help for promotion. Dropping it will be a suicide I believe. It's not good to say something like that, but unfortunately it's the truth!
Lady Kat Chaos: Hails Nick! Thanks for taken time for our live FB interview. You have a lot going on at the moment. How far a long are you with the writing and recording process of your forthcoming first full-length album, “Vargavinter"?
Nick Yngve: First of all, thank you for this interview! It's an honor for me to talk to my big sis!!!! Hehehe! The album is going pretty well. All the guitars and bass are done and all is left, are the physical drums (I have demos with drum machine first) and vocals to be recorded.
Colleen Maloney: Hey sunshine! Just dropping by to say Good Luck with your interview. What studio are you recording your new album?
Nick Yngve: Hi!!!! Nice to have you with us! All the guitars and bass are recorded in my home studio, the vocals in the singer's studio and the drums in another! We are all over the place for this one!
Lady Kat Chaos: Do you use Soundcloud or something similar to transfer each track to combine them together?
Nick Yngve: We use Dropbox and e-mails mostly.... It needs time though, but we get the job done.
Lady Kat Chaos: Why are you using a drum machine compared to using your full drum kit?
Nick Yngve: I use a drum machine for the pre-production, so I can record the guitars and the bass player can record the bass... After that, I go to a studio and record physical drums and last we record the vocals...
Lady Kat Chaos: How would you compare the sounds from a drum machine to a full kit? Have you ever ran into issues with not catching the same feel?
Nick Yngve: A drum machine is easy if you want to make drums with not many things playing. Just some simple rhythms to record on top the guitars and bass. Of course if you work on a track a lot of time, you can make a full album, but the sound will not be the same as physical... I use a Boss Dr-880 drum machine for the pre-production. The sound is NOT AT ALL the same. No way can it be compared to physical drums! I will not change that for the world!
Lady Kat Chaos: Indeed, they don't sound the same. What pro-tools are you using?
Nick Yngve: I am using Cubase 5 only and Amplitube for the guitars.
Lady Kat Chaos: Metaphorically, "Vargavinter" means "wolf winter" or "very cold winter" but it also reminds me of Thyrfing, track "Vargavinter", the Folk Country band Vargavinter from Sweden or tale of "Clan of Vargavinter". How did the name of your album come about and what is the meaning to you?
Nick Yngve: The meaning is indeed the "winter wolf". The song is about the wolf from the story of Leonidas of Sparta. When a Spartan is a boy, they leave him out in the cold and woods and he must kill to survive. Leonidas had to fight a wolf to survive. So the song is about this story. Also I like winter a lot... the feeling it has... everything... I thought it suited the album and music very nice!
Lady Kat Chaos: Some fear wolves, have you ever felt threatened by wolves?
Nick Yngve: Unfortunately, I have never seen a wolf.... When I do though, I think it will be PERFECT!!!!!! I totally respect those animals... for the society they have, the whole wolf pack, the respect to one another... Very beautiful beasts and so noble at the same time! I don't know if I will be afraid, but I surely want to see a wild wolf....
Lady Kat Chaos: Wolves are amazing. How many songs are your recording for your album and are you writing new songs or will you be adding the song off your promo demo or the songs you used on two splits?
Nick Yngve: The album will have 6 or 7 songs in it. I will contain the song "Mortuus Sum" from the promo re-recorded and the song "Vargavinter" from the latest split also re-recorded and 4 or 5 new songs. Until now there are 4 new, but in the end, I might add a 5th one!
Lady Kat Chaos: What changes will you be making to the song, "Mortuus Sum"?
Nick Yngve: The drums will be different, the singer will be different... The bass player was singing for the promo, but now the new singer will do the vocals. Also the sound will be much better!
Lady Kat Chaos: Many songs you have written deal with themes of Ancient Greek Heritage and Mythology, Ancient Cultures, Darkness, Death, and Religions. What themes will you be writing about for this album that you're willing to discuss?
Nick Yngve: The song "Mortuus Sum" is about Lilith. The song "Vargavinter" is about a wolf and Leonidas as I mentioned above and the other songs will be about various subjects, about religion mostly. The Ancient Greek heritage and mythology theme, will appear mostly in the second album... We have a lot of time until we get there though! I should tell you, that I have already 2 songs written for the 2nd album... It will totally different music wise. The band will take a turn into more Swedish black metal style than the Norse style of the first album.
Lady Kat Chaos: I know that you write most of the music and Banshee writes all the lyrics. Will your new vocalist be contributing to the lyrics as well?
Nick Yngve: I don't think so. Banshee is writing all the lyrics for Mortuus Sum. The singer is alright with that, so we are all ok! And yes, I write all the music. This doesn't mean though that the other members are not free to write as well. They are completely free to send me riffs or songs and if I see that they fit Mortuus Sum, these songs will be recorded.
Lady Kat Chaos: Does your lyricist get ideas from your ideas, thoughts and your own philosophies?
Nick Yngve: She is free to write about anything she wants, but we discuss it first anyway. We always talk about the vision I have about every song and she contributes with ideas and lyrics. Yes I have my own philosophy, but she is free on that.
Lady Kat Chaos: How long have you been working with her?
Nick Yngve: Banshee is with the band since 2012!
Chris Meyer (Aberration Nexus): Hey guys, sorry to butt in. Nick, I'm not really up on your history only recently discovering Mortuus Sum. Was this a solo project? If so, what prompted the shift to full band?
Nick Yngve: Hey Chris!!! Glad you joined! The band started as a solo project, because I was involved in another band (Acherontas) and I didn't have much time to focus on Mortuus Sum. After I left Acherontas, I decided to turn them into a full band. Chris if you like, you can check the band out at ... I will be more than happy to tell me your thoughts!
Lady Kat Chaos: In a brief history, Mortuus Sum was founded (2002) under a different name, Panzerfaust. Panzerfaust disbanded about a year later because of members leaving and moving. It was about five years later Mortuus Sum has arose. Although, throughout this time period more member changes....why don't you introduce your current line up and the crafts they master?
Nick Yngve: Yes of course! The lineup is: Astraeos – Vocals, Yngve - Guitars/Drums, Jim Havok – Bass, Banshee – Lyrics. The first lineup in 2002 was Auren on guitars, bass and vocals and me on guitars and drums. Auren left for Sweden and I joined the army, so we split up. 5 years later, I reformed the band as Mortuus Sum.
Lady Kat Chaos: At the time you created the name Mortuus Sum which is stem from Latin and translates to I Am Dead! Did you feel this way after you left the army and this was the mind state you were in during the birth of Mortuus Sum? How do you feel you have developed as an individual, as a drummer and guitarist over the years?
Nick Yngve: Yes totally!!!! I was really depressed with my life at that time and I was reading about Death themed subjects, so it fitted nice! The development was huge! As a musician I evolved through the years, by practicing and listening to new stuff. As a person, I read a lot, so I believe that I am progressing in a lot of ways.
Lady Kat Chaos: What do you like reading about the most and who are some of your favorite authors?
Nick Yngve: I read a lot about ancient cultures, so I cannot tell you any specific name. Most of the books I read are researches about Atlantis, ancient Egypt and ancient Hellas. Also I am a huge fan of paranormal themes!
Lady Kat Chaos: While reading different books do you compare the same facts that were written, that are completely different from each other and take your own notes? We are always questioning history within yourselves. What is something that you have read recently that has made you look deeper into it?
Nick Yngve: Yes I always compare books to each other. Nowadays, I am reading about the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. A very interesting book I must say. Thoth was an Atlantean priest who was said to have found Egypt. Thoth had many reincarnations, the last of them being as Hermes the Trismegistus. This book made me look deeper into the ancient Egyptian theme, concerning the occult side of it. The ancient Egypt theme made me write some songs more Eastern oriented, but maybe this will be another project of mine in the future... Who knows what Time will bring right?
Lady Kat Chaos: Are you reading the original or the translated one by Dr. Michael Doreal?
Nick Yngve: The translated one!
Lady Kat Chaos: How has Mortuus Sum changed for you as a creative outlet—does the material still have the same emotional pay-off for you as it did when you started listening to Black Metal?
Nick Yngve: Yes and I must admit that every-time I am writing a new song, I am as excited as I was at the beginning of the road! Black metal is my life and I will never stop listening to it or playing it.
Lady Kat Chaos: What are your thoughts about the Black Metal Scene today? How much do you pay attention to what other bands from the past and today are doing? What are you doing differently not to be compared to other bands who are your influences?
Nick Yngve: The black metal scene is huge! Especially here in Greece, we have so many great bands. Of course I will get in the process of naming, because I will surely leave someone out and I wouldn't like that. Unfortunately, nowadays it is very difficult to be original, but I don't care for me. I just write and play what feels right. Ok I will not copy something, but if my influences are obvious in a song, so be it. I am proud of what I have done and for what I am listening to. Keeping up with the new releases is a bit hard, but I think I manage after all!
Lady Kat Chaos: What are your views regarding various sub-genres originating out of Black Metal?
Nick Yngve: It's ok. It gives black metal a different approach in each band. I like it a lot, even though I am a more traditional guy involving the scene. I don't mind experimenting with music, as long as it stays black metal of course.
Lady Kat Chaos: Do you feel that black metal a fad for younger generations these days or one of the last true forms of artistic expression?
Nick Yngve: Black metal is a very difficult genre to begin with. Of course it should be passed to younger generations, but never forget to "teach" them about the Old ones too, without whom, we wouldn't listen to anything. Last forms? I don't think so. Maybe special form I could dare to say.
Lady Kat Chaos: Indeed, they need to learn the roots. How is Mortuus Sum a complete different entity compared to your projects Christfuck and Dizziness?
Nick Yngve: Mortuus Sum is pure black metal. Christfuck is a thrash/black metal band and Dizziness is not a project! Dizziness is not my band. It is a band that plays Hellenic black metal and I am very proud that I am a member of them up to now! You can check them out here: and
Lady Kat Chaos: Since I've known you for a few years now, how do you manage being a part of different bands and focusing on your own?
Nick Yngve: I have no idea! Hahahahaha! I just do. It's the power of will I suppose. I like playing music, so I always find time to do it!
Lady Kat Chaos: Has your schedule ever over-lapsed?
Nick Yngve: No. Up to now at least, everything is going smoothly and I hope it won't change!
Lady Kat Chaos: Mortuus Sum is a recording band, have you ever thought of performing for a big fest?
Nick Yngve: Mortuus Sum was and will be a studio band only. No gigs, no rehearsals ever! Maybe if something EXTREMELY good shows up, we may consider it, but the fact that we all live in different cities of Greece, makes it very hard to happen... So we stay a studio band and there's no problem about it.
Lady Kat Chaos: As an old schooler, as you know how I get into arguments with a few because I feel the underground should stay hidden as it was in the past. What are your thoughts about this because of the internet?
Nick Yngve: Of course I agree. Underground, should remain underground, otherwise it loses the meaning...
Lady Kat Chaos: As your band came out onto the internet how has it helped you and have you thought about removing your band page to go back to the roots of Black Metal and staying underground?
Nick Yngve: There are some bands that were underground and went to the "other" side (mainstream) and then all of the sudden they were sold out. Other bands, remained true to the underground but continued to gain ground. I respect all kinds of art, but I can't stand it. The truth is, that I thought about it a lot of times, but the thing is that internet is a huge help for promotion. Dropping it will be a suicide I believe. It's not good to say something like that, but unfortunately it's the truth!
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