Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Album Review: WOE - "...It's Woe Time" - Reviewed by: Geoff McGraw

Band Name: WOE
Title: It's Woe Time
Date of Release: 2015
Record Label: Rambo Music
Genre: Hard Rock
Website: www.woe.se
Reviewed by: Geoff McGraw
Track listings: 1) Numbers 2) WOE Time 3) Bad Situation 4) Pick You Up 5) Wolfman 6) All Alone 7) No Shame 8) Personal Hell 9) Poetical Justice 10) What You Need

WOE Or WOE Gothenburg is a hard rock band formed in Gothenburg Sweden. A four piece band made up of Jonny Zasella (Vocals), Ronny Lodin (Guitar), Nicke Janson (Bass), and Anders Jacobson (Drums) WOE is a straight ahead rock band, they claim influence from Rage Against The Machine, Foo Fighters, and BLS. While these influences are hard to dispute the first things I thought during the 1st strains of the album opener "Numbers" was the much maligned Nickleback. That initial reaction however faded for the most part as the album progressed, although I hear less R.A.T.M. and BLS than Foo Fighters, and am more likely to liken their sound to Adrennaline Mob.

"It's Woe Time" will please listeners looking for a no frills hard rock album, straight ahead pleasing hard rock is their bag and are adept at producing exactly that, the songs are across the board quality, with none that seem to be filler. Frontman Jonny Zasella definitely has a comfort zone with his vocals and deosn't stray outside the box, focusing on barked verses and sung choruses. It would be nice to hear him mix that formula up a little bit with some vocal dynamics, or sung verses. Guitar solos could be a little more out there too, a good screaming solo would add to their down and dirty style and bring a little more of the blues flavor they cultivate forward.

I am sure that this band plays well live, and their sound is definately tailored toward a party concert crowd, so I say with some confidence that a ticket to one of their shows would not disappoint. Despite the lack of variation in the vocal performance that would take these songs to the next level, it is a pleasing if not inventive listen, and worth owning for any hard rock enthusiast.

6 of 10 horns

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