With founder and drummer Yngve
Conducted by: Lady
Kat Chaos, Dave Wolff and guest Fury, John Barker
Live Interview:
November 15, 2015
Lady Kat Chaos:
Hails and Welcome to our blasphemy! It has been an honor for us to
welcome you, Yngve? How things have been with you?
Yngve: It is
always an honor to talk to you Kat. This has been a bit of rough during the
last few months but everything turned out to be good in the end!
Lady Kat Chaos:
Indeed, you've been extremely busy lately with many recordings from
other projects. Emerging Black Metal and Thrash Metal with a coldness and
ominousness vibe while
releasing blasphemy throughout the lands of Greece,
Christfuck’s EP, “Hellgoat Militia” has been released for the fans for a while
now, how has the response been thus far?
Blasphemous as it is, the "Hellgoat Militia" EP was released
indeed, but due to some delays and post office strikes at Peru where the label
(Mercyful Hell Prods) is, we don't have our copies yet. Yesterday though they
contacted me and informed me that the tapes are on the way to Athens!
Lady Kat Chaos:
Yes, the wonderful delays of post offices from one country to another
can become exasperating. Why did you decide on releasing it on cassettes?
Yngve: The reason
is simple. Old school analog sound... That's it! Christfuck are playing old
school thrash/black metal and that is the way to listen to it the way it should
be listened to.
Lady Kat Chaos: I
have always appreciated cassette and vinyl releases. Especially when it comes
to Black Metal, the physical presentation of a release to me contributes a
great importance of the demo, EP or album.
Formats like cassette can give the listener something to view, hold and
see in addition to hearing the music presented.
Is it cheaper to get pro cassettes pressed? Do you feel they are still
nostalgia factor?
Yngve: I believe that in some metal genres such as black
metal and a little bit in thrash metal, cassettes never gone extinct. I think
that people are turning back to buying physical releases once again. Baby
steps, but it happens. It was about time. It is much cheaper to have pro tapes
pressed of course. As for nostalgia, well, we grew up listening to lp's and
tapes after all...
Lady Kat Chaos: I feel in some countries that cassette’s didn’t die out, whereas in some they have but it’s fully coming back. Have you seen a lot of tape trading these days in Greece?
Yngve: Maybe it is hard to believe, but tapes never died
in Greece! As long as there are underground black metal (mostly) bands, tapes
will always be there!
Lady Kat Chaos:
What made you decided to work with Mercyful Hell Prods?
Yngve: A friend of mine made a deal for her band with
MHP, so she told me to check them out. I did, we talked and the deal was made!
The simple old school way!
Lady Kat Chaos: I
have read that you will also be releasing your EP "Hellgoat Militia"
on CD format by Hellraiser Producciones Py or has that changed?
Yngve: Hellraiser
Producciones Py will indeed release the CD version, limited to 500 copies. All
the artwork and layout will be done by Hel Pyre herself.
Lady Kat Chaos:
Where was your EP "Hellgoat Militia" recorded?
Yngve: The drums
are recorded at Made In Hell Studio with my good friend David. Bass and vocals
are recorded at Hel Pyre's studio and the guitars were recorded by Vulgate at
his studio. Mix/mastering was done at Dark Fairy Studios with the help of Sakis
Fury: Sakis
Darkface is a very talented and grounded musician. It was mixed well. What is something that you
have learned during the mixing process that you didn’t know all ready?
Yngve: The fact is that I left Sakis completely free and
alone to mix everything. I just told him what I had in mind and he did it just
like I wanted it! It is amazing!
Fury: Where you
with Sakis Darkface while he was working on the mix and mastering?
Yngve: No I left him completely alone to do his thing.
Fury: Sometimes Black Metal bands will add in some hidden
sounds that can take an individual to catch it. Did you add any interesting
elements (as far as sound) other than your instruments?
Yngve: No nothing like that! Just straight forward
thrash/black metal!
Fury: What I find
interesting is that some countries like Norway, government will help bands with
grants for albums and touring. Is Greece
the same way or do you have to do it all on your own?
Yngve: Hahahahahahaha... the day something like that will
happen here, I will let you know... if you can wait for 2 more centuries...
Fury: Is it
expensive to put out your own releases in Greece?
Yngve: If we are talking about making your own tapes
and/or CDs, yes it is quite expensive. That is why many bands work with digital
Fury: Does Greece
have record stores where you can purchase both signed and local bands music?
Yngve: There are very few left but those few are fully
updated with anything you may need.
Dave Wolf: When did Christfuck get started and what is
the purpose of the band?
Yngve: Christfuck
started in 2013 as a one man's band to spread blasphemy against Christianity. I
wrote some tunes, but in the way I found Vulgate on guitars that also brought
Hel Pyre in for bass and vocals.
Lady Kat Chaos:
Interesting question Dave of AEA Zine, now shifting on to the history of
the band. As you mentioned Christfuck
has begun erupting since 2013 and definitely a prominent act in the underground
extreme metal scene at one time as a one-man band. What made you decide to look
for other members?
Yngve: At first I
didn't. It just happened. I was talking with Vulgate for the recordings, he
offered to help and he was in.
Lady Kat Chaos: I know that outside of drumming you also
play other instruments. Where you at first going to handle the vocals before
Hel Pyre made her offering to do vocals and also record bass?
Yngve: My first
thought was to handle everything except vocals. You don't want to listen to me
Lady Kat Chaos: I cannot sing either. When hanging out with friends, driving on the
road or at a show do you sing along to other bands and has anyone told you to
stop singing along?
Yngve: No one told me because no one has ever listened to
me singing. It won't happen anytime soon. ;)
Fury: Did you take
any guitar lessons or was it more a calling to you to just pick it up and try
it out and you grew some passion for this instrument alongside of you playing
Yngve: No I never took guitar lessons. Ever since I was
trying to learn how to play, I was playing along with favorite songs and
eventually I started writing my own music.
Fury: How often to
you practice on your guitar skills and drumming techniques?
Yngve: Guitar not so often. I don’t own a guitar
nowadays. As for drums, I play 3-4 times per week. I have to go to a studio to
practice as I cannot have a kit at home (Noise and room problems).
Lady Kat Chaos: As
a drummer do you feel that you often need to demonstrate playing, two opposite
sides: one of them being both structure and logic and another of instinct and
intensity. How do you balance them, and are you stronger in one compared to
other and how are you working on your lesser skills?
Yngve: I think I am well balanced between those two. I
try to evolve at all sections while practicing. That way, I am always calm that
I covered all issues.
Lady Kat Chaos:
The natural consequences we embrace. Do you feel that playing drums is a
great part of your life?
Yngve: Drums are my whole life. It is what I do, maybe
the only thing I do REALLY well. Without drums I am empty.
Lady Kat Chaos:
You live it and breathe it. What
specific aspect of your contribution to the Black Metal and Thrash Metal scene
fuels your passion for music?
Yngve: You know that is a tough question. ;) There are so
many things that fulfill my hunger… I cannot possibly begin naming!!! I love
playing drums no matter the genre. When it is black or thrash metal though, now
that is my thing.
Lady Kat Chaos: As
your skill levels grow as you get older, your confidence does also increased
during your career. Has your view changed on the importance of drums in song
Yngve: A LOT!!! When I was younger I thought that if I
fill the song with double bass drum and thrash beats everything would be
perfect. Well, I was wrong big time. Now I am listening closely, I am taking
notes and then I begin composing the drums.
Fury: When playing
them both do you get a sense of two different types of moods and atmospheres
while you are creating?
Yngve: There is a change in my mood throughout different
songs. Imagine when I am playing in different band and genre! It is a whole new
level of different.
Fury: You mentioned that you cannot sing. Have you thought about taken some vocal
lessons to bring out this feature of yourself? Have you ever done backup vocals
Yngve: Nah… Singing is not my thing. Yes I have done
backup vocals. Sometimes I participated in some gang vocals (in a thrash metal
recording) and sometime I just tried to sing some poser back up vocals. That
was a tragedy coming to life! Hahaha!
Lady Kat Chaos: At
one time I wanted to devote myself to playing drums in my earlier years but
that changed a very long time ago. Your decision to devote own your life to
music seems to have been taken the past six years. Could you specify the time
and circumstances around it?
Yngve: Since I started playing drums in 1995 I wanted to
be a musician for life, but you are correct though, that the decision to make
it a full time job was taken much later. It was sometime in 2011 to be
specific, that a friend of mine wanted me to record 2 songs for a project of
his. I did, since I had nothing planned for that evening and it was a chance to
hang out with some friends. When I recorded, he took out some money and he gave
them to me. I was like “what the fuck man?” … His answer was what triggered my
thoughts for some time until then. He said: “Hey man you did a job for me as a
session drummer. Session drummers are getting paid. Take the money”. I got back
home, I put an ad and that was it.
Lady Kat Chaos:
Your EP consists of 4 songs, 3 of your own, the "Hellgoat
Militia", "Infernal King" and "Anima Satanas", that were executed extremely well with your
arrangements. I’m not always a fan when
a band or project does covers songs for various reasons, that I will not
discuss in this moment but, I do need to say at times it’s can be risky. The cover song you have done, Rotting
Christ's song "Exiled Archangels" featuring Tony "Demolition
Man" Dolan (Iron+Steel, Venom Inc/M-PIRE of EVIL/Atomkraft) on guest
vocals is this still appearing on your EP or have you made changes?
Yngve: Of course
it will be as it is! No changes at all! Mr. Tony Dolan is one hell of a metalhead!
I asked him and he said yes within 5 minutes! He is a pro and it showed. He
respected the deadline we had and he was kind enough to keep us posted on the
progress. It was the ultimate honor to have him as guest for the EP.
Lady Kat Chaos: I have to say that you covered legendary
Rotting Christ song, “Exiled Archangels" and nailed it. I’m not easy to impress but was enthralled
with your latest offering, how do you feel as a collective towards your own
Yngve: I feel proud and utterly satisfied! It was
something that I wanted to do for a long time and when I finally made it, it
made me go one step further. Next goal: The first full length!
Fury: I must say that is a great release by Christfuck
and people should get a copy of it. I was impressed from the first note to the
last. Was it your intention to blend in old school thrash metal with a black
metal vibe when we speak of your lyrical writing and the vocals?
Yngve: Yes my intension was to create a band with a
Satanic image, but not a black metal band. Mixing thrash with black metal was
the next best thing. Thrash metal music with black metal lyrics and vocals that
is. It fits perfectly!
Fury: Does everything come to you naturally and have you
ever played or created something that has sounded force upon you?
Yngve: Yes every riff I ever compose regarding guitar, is
coming as it is in my head. I was never forced to play anything. Not in my
Dave Wolff: How long have you known Tony Dolan, and what was
your experience working with him like?
Yngve: I know him
since May of 2013 when he came in Athens for a gig with M-Pire Of Evil. The
experience was awesome! It went down so smooth.
Lady Kat Chaos: Do
you have any plans to release others songs, by giving a tribute to your
Yngve: Do you mean
cover versions or just showing the influences from within the songs? If you
mean the second, I am already composing some songs for the first full length
album, but we will have a long road ahead for this to come.
Dave Wolff: What led to your decision to write lyrics
against Christianity? Was it the hypocrisy displayed by some Christians or was
there other reasons?
Yngve: First of
all, I don't write the lyrics. Everything about that is handled by Hel Pyre
herself. Now as for why we are against Christianity, I can talk about myself
and for the band, but not for the other members in person. I am sworn
anti-Christian, so to create a band like that was something natural. I am glad
that Vulgate and Hel Pyre share the same feelings.
Lady Kat Chaos:
What was the most challenging part of creating your EP?
Yngve: To be able to preserve the old school atmosphere
in the songs and in the production.
Lady Kat Chaos: I
know that Christfuck was basically a studio project. Are you perhaps maybe
conjuring a few important fests in Greece if summon by the right offerings or
would each of you rather stay as a recording project?
Yngve: No one knows what the future will bring. Up to now, we are a studio band but you never know.
Lady Kat Chaos: At
what point did you feel that you could lead a project of your own?
Yngve: That came when I left Acherontas in 2011. It was
the point that I turned Mortuus Sum to a full band. It was a side project until

Yngve: The artwork
is EXACTLY what we wanted. The artwork is done by Jorge from Arts of Pervertion
by hand. It is exactly what this band stands for. We vomit upon the Holy Book
of Lies.
Dave Wolff: In what ways was the experience awesome? Did
he have a good feel of the song he lent his vocals to? How well did his vocals
fit your music?
Yngve: First of
all it was awesome because we worked with Tony Dolan if you know what I mean.
His vocals were a perfect fit for the song. This Rotting Christ's song is pure
hell on its own, so Mr. Dolan added some evilness more.
Lady Kat Chaos:
Greece’s recent black metal scene has been highly distinctive due to the
most esoteric approach on the music and also in live appearances. Many
enthusiasts have termed ‘Occult Black Metal’ to distinguish the bands of the
scene but hence many also don’t like to be known within this circle. What’s
your prospect on this?
Yngve: I prefer
not to talk about that, since it is something out of our circle. Christfuck is
not an occult band. We are a Satanic band and that's it.
Lady Kat Chaos: As
you stated briefly that your music and message is heavily shrouded in Satanism,
as a band what particular meaning do these leitmotifs hold for you? Was your
black flame lit through the aeons?
Yngve: The band is solely a Satanic band. It is what
stands behinds us especially lyric wise. Christfuck was created to spread the
message of anti-Christianity!!!!!!!
Lady Kat Chaos:
Some bands today, don’t like to define themselves under the term “Black
Metal” because feel some have overused it and do not have the true obscurity,
blasphemy, and feel selected few are
truly elites. Do you unassociated with
many and just create music only to invoke the aura of total darkness, evil and
blasphemous hatred for thyself?
Yngve: I don’t care what people thing about their music.
I play black metal because it is what I do best. Black metal is me. It is what
made me how I am today. It is a way of life and a way to express my inner
fellings and thoughts. Darkness is one of them.
Lady Kat Chaos:
One of the first and most important black metal bands to ever come out
of Greece, is Varathron (1988). They
have never changed their identity over the years and stayed loyal to their
eternal darkness and to the occult.
Yngve: Varathron, Necromantia, Rotting Christ and Thou
Art Lord... The 4 bands that started everything in the Hellenic black metal
Lady Kat Chaos: Do
you think that the new generation would probably lose interest quickly and lack
a deeper respect for the older bands from old school such as Venom and Sodom
because some will find them not extreme enough compared to some bands today?
Yngve: No I don't think that! There is no way that a new
metalhead will not listen to the ancient Ones...
Lady Kat Chaos: Would you say within your homeland that
many black metal groups get along weather they are a Satanic, Occult or Pagan
band or is their battles between each other?
Yngve: No there
are no battles between us. One thing that unites us is that we are all
ant-Christians. If a band is Pagan or occult or whatever else another is
subject but at the end of the day we are ALL against this decease called
Lady Kat Chaos:
The Greek Black Metal underground, do you take notice and participate in
its growth or do you prefer a more insular approach of doing what is right for
Yngve: Of course I take notice. It is a part of me, I am
a part of it. Simple as that!
Lady Kat Chaos:
When it comes to the term “scene”, do you feel it seems individuals are
mimicking each other by following a given musical or ideological trend?
Yngve: I think that each band has a unique sound and image.
Every band has something different to show to people and of course a different
message to send.
John Barker: Hey Nick! What has Christfuck got planned
for the future? Any gigs?
Yngve: Hey John,
Thanks for asking! There is a somewhat planned event for the band, but it is so
early and unfortunately I cannot talk about it yet!
Lady Kat Chaos: If
you were to play live for a special event, would you feel that you would focus
and pay a lot of attention to what you needed to play? With that being noted
would you feel it would also ruin the drive of the songs?
Yngve: When I play I am ALWAYS focused on what I have to
do. No I don’t believe it ruins anything. The more focused I am, the more tight
the outcome is. That means that I am well prepared and well studied.
Lady Kat Chaos:
You do get many offers from bands who want you to join forces with them
as a permanent member or a session player.
Are you selective with your choices?
Yngve: Yes I am. I don’t play with all the bands. One of
the reasons, is that sometimes I am really with no time at all. Other times, it
is reasons that I don’t fully understand. For example, when someone reads the
ad where it specifically writes that I am getting paid and in the end they are
like: “What? You want money? I thought that you were just going to record and
that’s it. No we are not interested” … No comments…
Lady Kat Chaos:
Now, I prefer to dedicate myself to what I am doing these days by
helping as many as I can with promotions and doing interviews in zines. Have
you decided to keep things at a minimum?
Yngve: I am never at a minimum! I try to do as many things
as I can!!!
Lady Kat Chaos:
Have you ever felt that you don’t extra time or spare energy lately to
work on anything else?
Yngve: Rarely. When that happens, I get some 4-5 hout
sleep and I am set to go once more!
Lady Kat Chaos:
With the qualities the bands you’re apart of now, do you feel exciting
to see how they evolve in 2016?
Yngve: Yeah I am for sure! Evolvement is coming with fast
paces! I can see that even on me! No comparison to the drummer I was last year
with the drummer I am now.
Dave Wolff: Are you generally satisfied with the
interview I did with you for Autoeroticasphyxium zine? How much information
will readers get about you and the metal scene in Greece from reading it?
Yngve: I am very
satisfied indeed!!!! I believe that someone that is searching the underground
will find some very useful info!!!!!
Lady Kat Chaos:
You’ve mentioned earlier that you have started composing for a
full-length. Are you critical to what parts go into each song to create a
blasphemous anthem?
Yngve: I have riffs here and there in my head. I just
record them all and then I begin compiling them. Sometimes, there is a song
coming out from that. If not, then I start jamming and see what I will come up
Lady Kat Chaos:
Yngve, I know that this interview was set for a short time; I thank you
for chatting with use for a short moment. Any announcement or statement you
want to spread before ending the interview before I lock you outside our hellas
Yngve: Thanks for
the first Christfuck interview! Always a pleasure to talk with you and Obscure
Chaos Zine. Spread the word of Satan and
keep an eye on us through our page ( The
"Hellgoat Militia" EP will be available on tape very soon and until
the end of the year on CD also! Hails!
Keep spreading the word of unholiness and don’t forget to
spit on the graves of Christian “saints”. Christianity is a plague that must be
extinguished once and for all!
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